On this page: How to Register | Payment Methods and Billing Information | Transfers and Substitutions | Requesting Accommodations | Completing the SF-182 | Financial Reference Sheet

How to Register

Follow these steps to register for a course or program:

  1. Find the course or program on the Course Schedule and select "Register " or "Limited" to complete the Registration Request form. "Limited " means there are only a few spaces left.
  2. Complete all required fields on the Registration Request form and submit. You are not automatically registered after submitting the form.
  3. A Registration Specialist will review your information within 3 business days of submission. The Registration Specialist will notify you if additional information is required.  Please note, if payment is being made by use of a funding document (see below for additional details), please follow the directions below for additional submission instructions. 
  4. Once your payment has been determined complete, you will receive a registration confirmation email.  

If you have questions or need assistance, please email us at register@opm.gov or call 202-606-0008.

Registrations are first-come, first-served by payment. All confirmed registrations are final and nonrefundable.

Payment Methods and Billing Information

You can pay with a government purchase card / credit card or funding document.

Purchase Card / Credit Card

Federal employees paying with a credit card must use a government purchase card. Federal travel credit cards are not accepted.

If you cannot enter your government purchase card information into the Registration Request form, please contact us.

All payments are processed by the Department of the Treasury. The government purchase cardholder will receive an email receipt after the registration request has been reviewed and processed. The email receipt serves as the transactional record for the payment.

Funding Document

Funding documents include: Interagency Agreement (IAA)*, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) with completed Acceptance Form, Purchase Order (PO) / Requisition (REQ), or Standard Form (SF) 182**.

* G-Invoicing: G-Invoicing does not currently support IAA payments for OPM’s Center for Leadership Development open enrollment courses due to specific billing processes for these transactions. As a result, our shared financial service center and OPM’s CFO have granted an exception for the use of legacy IAA payment processes for our courses. The Department of Treasury is expected to add this functionality to G-Invoicing in the future. We will update our payment information when G-Invoicing IAA payment support is available.

Please note: Some agencies may need to get approval from their respective financial departments prior to submitting interagency agreements outside of the G-Invoicing system.

Required Information for all funding documents:

All funding documents (IAA, MIPR, PO / REQ, or SF-182*), must have the following required information before the document is emailed to us:

  • Funding Document Number - Number usually at the top of your funding document or referenced in the SF-182 Section C – Block 4.
  • Line of Accounting (LOA) / Account String / Appropriation Fund Code String - This is the funding line allocated by contracting. It may be a long string of numbers or a PO number. On the SF-182, it is referenced in Section C - Block 1.
  • Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) - Denotes fiscal year and fund of the money being used (ex. 024.2017.2017.0451 or 24170451). Your finance officer and/or COTR will have this information.
  • Agency Location Code (ALC) - This is an eight-digit number that starts with your Agency ID number unless you are from a DoD agency. It does not change from year to year. On the SF-182, it is referenced in Section C - Block 5.
  • Accountable Station Code - Only required for Department of Defense (DoD), Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, and Navy participants.
  • Signatures
  • Billing contact information - Contact name, email address, and phone number.

Do not include a Social Security number or other personally identifiable information such as date of birth, home address, or home telephone number.

For help completing your funding document:

  • Contact your finance department if you need help locating the required information for your agency.
  • If you need our DUNS Number, SAM Unique Entity ID, Agency Location Code, Treasury Account Symbol, or other financial information, download the Financial Reference Sheet (PDF).
  • If you're using the SF-182 as a funding document, we have instructions to help with the SF-182 Costs and Billing Information section.

* Note: Department of Defense (DoD), Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, and Navy participants may not use an SF-182 for payment.  

We use Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) to process all funding document payments and facilitate the intergovernmental transfer of funds from your agency to OPM. We will initiate the IPAC at the start or conclusion of the course or program.

We do not participate in Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF), the Defense Agencies Initiative (DAI) or ArmyIgnitED payment programs. 

Transfers and Substitutions

Requests for substitutions or transfers will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must be emailed. We cannot accept requests over the phone.

  • To request a substitution, complete the substitution form (PDF) and email it to us. Substitutions may be granted if pre-course work can be completed.
  • To request a transfer to an alternative course or another date of the same course, email us.

Requesting Accommodations

The Office of Personnel Management fully complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Participants requesting assistance or accommodation to fully participate in a course or program have the opportunity to describe requests during the registration process. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs.

Last modified: Friday, February 21, 2025, 1:02 PM