
A government transition can impact many Federal agencies, operations, and processes, most notably those within the Executive and Legislative Branches. As a career executive, how do you and your staff prepare for this change?

This course will guide you in exploring the shifts you might see across both Branches before, during, and after a government transition:

  • You’ll learn how Executive Branch political appointments are made, what political appointees might expect from career staff, and best practices for building working relationships with appointees.
  • You’ll also discover how dynamics might change within the Legislative Branch, including how senior Federal managers and executives can prepare for a shift in Capitol Hill related to Congressional memberships, majority and minority representation in the Senate, and committee leadership in the House of Representatives. 

How You Will Benefit:

Through practical discussion and research, this course will enable you to exercise strategic thinking while upping your political savvy and building your ability to influence and negotiate.

Transitions in the Executive Branch:

  • Learn the origins of the political appointment system, how appointees are chosen and vetted, and their unique role within the Executive Branch.
  • Determine expectations political appointees have for career executives.
  • Develop strategies to establish, build and strengthen relationships with new political appointees.

Transitions in the Legislative Branch:

  • Explore how a government transition might shift dynamics in Congress and how that relates to Senate majority and minority parties.
  • Understand the role of party steering committees in the House of Representatives and how party members are assigned to other House committees.
  • Learn how to research information about House committee chairs.
  • Develop strategies to work with shifting power on Capitol Hill.

 Who should attend:
GS-14, GS-15, SES 

Competencies emphasized:
Strategic Thinking
Financial Management
Political Savvy

1 Day